Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hello Old Chum

Although I love having friends over for dinner, I have to admit one of my favourite parts is sitting over a cup of tea, chatting afterwards. 
I bought these mugs at Jamie Oliver's Recipease last year. This is something I've gotten from my sister-having sets of mugs makes tea time entertaining so much more pleasant. 

The best part of these mugs..

 While you're at it why not indulge in a slice of cinnamon streusel cake. I made this last night & it turned out! I've been sneaking slivers of it all day. 



  1. THis is amazing! I LOVE the mugs! so so cute!

  2. Hi there. I'm interested to buy them. Can anyone sell them to me as accidentally damaged one and I need to replace them.
    My email andriy1411@gmail.com.
    Thank you in advance.
