So after numerous attempts I have finally created a blog. Now I can't really promise too much as I have spent the last 4 years crunching numbers as an accounting major. HOWEVER I realize that is no excuse. Have to start somewhere. The other day I was thinking about this time last year & how much everything has changed. Then I looked a year ahead when it struck me this rate of change isn't about to slow down anytime soon. I am currently in school in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A Toronto suburb native I am naturally drawn to the city. However with the closing of my fourth year out east I have realized I couldn't have chosen a better city to study in. I have 8-months left of classes so am hoping to be able to document my last while in this great city.
My mom says writing down your thoughts is more therapeutic than anything. So continuously gives me journals while fully aware of my addiction to my computer. I do use the journals, though mainly for to do lists.
Here are a couple of the items:
-Step Class this afternoon. My first ever. Not sure whether or not long legs are an asset?
-Tomorrow's UK Border Agency Appointment. Have to get a passport photo for that still. They take your passport when you go to your appointment & keep it for who knows how long. I am just CROSSING MY FINGERS I get it back by February 19th as that is when I am LEAVING FOR LONDON for a week. Trust me...more on that later
-2 Assignments due Wednesday...keep plugging at those
Anyways, class is calling but just thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself to you all, who I will now think of as my invisible friends.
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